Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Will this Jerk steal your $500 Amazon Card from LTI Korea? (rabid doggerell warning!)

KTLIT LogoSome fellow over on a website I’ve never even heard about, is threatening to win the LTI Korea, Bae Suah, Highway With Green Apples contest!

Only you can defeat this jerk, and it’s easy (just see below). First, here is one of his “draft” attempts.. a song to win the award.

He promises to show us even more of this “winning” skills as the week goes by…

Highway With Green Apples: A Modern Painting

A Highway with Green Apples,
extends near and away.
Its temptations that you sample?
You might dream to sell one day.

A crone along the highway might offer
An apple fresh and green
As so disguised in rags might proffer?
(New-skinned snake!) an apple quite obscene.

And the road is just another way
To get from here to there and back
Connections missed, messages betrayed
And trains that leave their track.

And if the road goes on forever
That does not mean there is no end
Meetings in a night snow shower
Drinks with your next ex-friend.
The path you travel with another soul
Will be solo on your return. 
You carry the memory of that road, 
like stitches on your back, or burns.

And if you buy an apple, 
or get an appleology
The highway with green apples
Is anything but free.

Short blunt sentences make their mark
The quotidian becomes the dark
Banalities of time of day or weather
Build a fictitious framework of forever.

While God created little green apples,
He also made things not held at Bae.
Thoughts that whisper, crawl, and Russell,
In a most alarming way.

The guy even threatens to write a “Nantucket” poem.  But it is not too late for a KTLIT reader to win…. Here is the real info:

* Topic: Read Highway with Green Apples(A Short Story) by Suah Bae 
(Amazon link: and write a 500 word review.

* Eligibility: Open to all foreigners residing in and outside of Korea

* How to Enter
1) Read the book :-)
2) Post your review in English on the book’s Amazon page (Limited to 500 words)
3) Fill the application form on the LTI Korea’s facebook page

* Prizes
1) Grand Prize (1 person): $500 Gift Card or equivalent
2) First Prize (3 persons): $100 Gift Card or equivalent(Each)
3) Second Prize (5 persons): $50 Gift Card or equivalent(Each)

* Reviews will be judged by the judging panel. They will be looking for originality, content, and humor. 

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