Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dysfunctional Family: K-pop’s Most Quintessential Songs



20141002_theoneshots_quintessential_kai overdoseSo this morning on my subway ride into work I listened to Exo’s “Overdose” on repeat ehhhh 63 times or so. Which is huge because, as you all remember, I used to be aggressively indifferent to Exo. It got me thinking: “Overdose” is one of the greatest K-pop songs of all time! Then I slapped myself back into reality. There have been way too many great K-pop songs. And this week we are going to list them all out.

This week’s question is, what are K-pop’s top 10 most quintessential songs and why? To be clear, this is not a list of the top 10 BEST songs (otherwise U-Kiss’ “Stop Girl” would totally make this list) but the most QUINTESSENTIAL songs: the ones in our generation that have or had the most impact on K-pop and even Korean culture; the ones where you hear the song and immediately think “Yeahhh, that’s K-pop!”


1. You can only nominate one song per response. You must explain why – please don’t kill us with long paragraphs, it’s not that serious.

2. If you think someone’s nomination is dumb, tell ‘em, and explain why.

3. You cannot nominate another song until at least 2 other songs have been nominated by other people.

Basically, you have to fight to get your songs on the list and to get the ones you don’t agree with off the list. When we die and the aliens come down, this is the list they’re going to see. Make it good.

I’ll go first – I nominate 2PM’s “Again and Again.” It’s from the most recent “golden age” of K-pop, it had a dance that totally took over Korea, and came from one of the biggest groups of that time. Changed the freakin’ game.

1. 2PM – Again and Again


Thanks Salima. This is the worst possible thing you could do to me. Now I’m going to go rock in the corner and try to listen to all the K-pop songs I want to nominate and narrow them down. *Grabs whiskey*


Super Junior “Sorry, Sorry” – this song IS K-pop. It’s been more than five years since it’s release and people STILL hear it and start singing and dancing along. This song helped catapult Super Junior into another stratosphere of “success” in the music world.

Even non-Korean cultures use it as a go-to toconvey emotion.


Big Bang’s “Fantastic Baby.” Though new(ish), whenever I hear this song I immediately think of “K-pop” and then I think of clubs and GD’s ridiculously long hair in the beginning. I’m not sure if it launched Big Bang further up the success later but I know it helped them gain some popularity with at least my non-K-pop fans.


I co-sign Mary’s nomination of Big Bang’s “Fantastic Baby.” It’s an awesome song to introduce a non-K-pop fan to. I even saw a YouTubers React video about K-pop and one of the songs they showed popular YouTubers is this song.


I’m just going to fuck it all and go ahead and say EXO’s Wolf.


Kidding, I meant Growl. Growl was the shit and everyone and their mothers tried to copy it.


Tbh, I think Exo’s “Wolf” says “K-pop” more than “Growl” – Like, when you think of the ridiculousness of K-pop and the impact “Wolf” had, it wins, hands down.


Although “Growl” and many other songs on that album are the shit, I would also like to upvote “Wolf.” That crazy song screams K-pop. A song that is absolutely freaky yet you can’t get it outta your head.


I nominate SNSD’s “Gee simply because whether you love it or hate it or find yourself accursed to watch it thanks to Minho, you will find yourself humming “Gee Gee Gee” complete with those hand movements because it’s that fucking addictive. It literally exemplifies the importance of hook in any K-pop song.


I second Alolika with my entire being.


Auto endorsement. “Gee” doesn’t really need any words. Gee probably the first thing that comes up on YT/Google when you search K-pop.

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_exo wolf awooSALIMA

I upvote Gee so hard. So far:

1. Again and again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Wolf

5. Gee


Can I downvote songs? Cause although Wolf was what ya’ll say is K-pop, its not quintessential like Growl, even with it lacking that crazy “WTF is this” factor.


I second Sharon on “Growl” being more K-pop than “Wolf.” If one looks at K-pop sans the compulsory crazy quotient, it is about sharp dancing, coordination, and relatively simple musical compositions (and hooks, very very catchy hooks). I think “Growl” has all of that including pretty boys — another K-pop essential.


Sorry guys, but there’s no way Growl was BIGGER than Wolf just in terms of buzz. Growl is a better song but Wolf is the song people are going to remember Exo for, period.


I’m with Salima. Pre-Wolf, EXO was a success, but Wolf took it to another level. Growl is sexy and catchy, but it was riding the successful tailcoats of WOLF.


Hmmm. Let me sit on that a bit


Gonna go ahead and nominate Wonder Girls – “Nobody” because it catapulted the Wonder Girls to fame and everyone was doing that dance, even people in the States and Europe. It’s the whole reason the girls even went to try their luck in the U.S.


I nominate Gangnam Style just because you can write a whole history about it. And it represents fans and countrymen alike. It also represents a love-hate relationship between K-pop’s insiders and outsiders.


I second it. I know we’re all tired of people outside the circle bringing up Gangnam Style but that shit had K-pop spirit to the bone.


1. Again and again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Wolf

5. Gee

6. Growl

7. Nobody

8. Gangnam Style


There are about 300 Infinite songs I want to nominate, but I can’t decide what’s K-poppy so I will save them for my next nom.

My first nom is what I consider the quintessential K-pop song. The first K-pop song I ever heard. SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong.


The dance

The intense gazes

The use if the words butterfly, fantastic and elastic.

Minho’s hair


I second Shinee but not Ring Ding Dong – if you switch it to Replay I will also second the song.

Just a thought: does EXO deserve to be on this list? Like real honest and not trying to shade them or anything. But Exo, really? I don’t know y’all.


I second Ring Ding Dong.

Why wouldn’t Exo be on the list? Too new?


I think “Lucifer” is more recognizable as compared to “RDD.”

Even at their shows, that is the song that gets everyone pumped and they go all out for. Lasers, flying up, epic remixed versions.


And here I was about to say if you change it to “Lucifer” …


Daaamn RDD vs Replay vs Lucifer? I can’t.


What about 2NE1, “I Am The Best”?

When you have American corporations wanting to use you, it’s a sign. America still doesn’t “get it,” with the exception of the small, but growing K-Pop community. All of the K-pop world knows it, as do those that have no idea what K-pop is.


Using the States as a marker for the quintessence in K-pop is a bit ethnocentric because honestly, the States has a reputation for lapping up anything “weird” irrespective of it being weird in the native country or otherwise.


Other than Psy, the U.S. hasn’t really embraced K-pop as a genre.

BoA wasn’t embraced. Crayon Pop wasn’t embraced. JYJ with Kanye wasn’t embraced. Snoop and Psy was a hit for about a minute here. Just because it’s “weird” doesn’t mean we are going to accept and like it because it seems new, cool, or fun.


I second Nana. It’s either “IATB” or “Fire because they introduced a new aspect of female power to K-pop.


If we have stepped onto icky territories of “female power” in K-pop, then I think Brown Eyed Girls’ “Abracadabra” should be on the list. Considering the K-pop atmosphere today, where the newer fans feel traumatized by something as tame as Girls’ Day’s “Something” it is kind of surprising that something as aggressively sexy as “Abracadabra” became such a craze back then, not to mention it also included blatant lesbian undertones. If we are talking about agency, consistency in concept, empowerment and sexiness in K-pop then “Abracadabra” should make it to the list.


I have a thing with 2NE1. When I first got into K-pop, IATB seemed try-hard to me, and something I’d hear in the States. But I couldn’t deny that fact that no matter where I went on the Internet, variety shows, interviews, anything, the impact of that song could be seen.

so yeah, upvote.


I’ll take I Am the Best but low on the spectrum. I don’t mind seeing it go.

On the other hand, I’m nominating Mirotic. The most crucial song from the most crucial boy group ever. It had sex, cool beats, and represented the unreached potential of a lost boy band.


1) In response to Widney – EXO def deserves to be on this list. Just because they are new doesn’t mean they haven’t contributed a lot! Growl was way popular and maybe even more that Wolf but Wolf embodies K-pop.

2) RDD was EVERYWHERE when it came out. I’m sorry but that song is the one. Don’t get me wrong SHINee are the kings of K-pop but RDD is it.

3) Salima I was just about to say Mirotic I upvote that faster than Seungri can throw you a towel.


1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Wolf

6. Gee

7. Nobody

8. Gangnam Style

9. Ring Ding Dong

10. Replay

11. Lucifer

12. I Am the Best

13. Abracadabra

14. Mirotic


20141002_theoneshots_quintessential_sehun growlI let Wolf marinate a bit and it being on this list still doesn’t taste good. Wolf wasn’t anything special except for that it was really bad at first. Everyone remembers WOLF cause it was all laughable, even from that “leak.”

But Growl, GROWL IS THE SONG you think about with EXO and K-pop and don’t even try to deny.

Kinda like how everyone thinks of 2PM’s I’ll Be Back because of the basic shuffling and the messy make-up and everything else. EVERYWHERE ppl talk about THAT song, but it’s not THE 2PM, ya know. Growl stands in K-pop on its own. It should BE on that list.

Wolf can take a seat next to IGAB and Mr. Simple somewhere else.


Ok we’re talking about groups and songs that had a major impact on and for K-pop right? I mean we all like Exo, and Exo fans like “Wolf” but is Growl “THE SONG”? You know, the song you can play for your non K-pop friends to introduce them to K-pop or the song that brings feels in you?

I don’t think Exo is “THAT GROUP” yet. Not because they’re new, just because…yeah they’re not. SHINee was “the group” above all groups from their generation, so was Big Bang, so was SUJU, 2NE1, Wonder Girls – but we’re still waiting for the newbies to battle it out. Nominating Exo is like me saying 4minute was the “group” of their generation because back in 2009 they were bigger than 2NE1 (for a very short time).

Honestly I don’t think Exo is a group that deserves such an honor yet. Sorries!!!


What!!!!!!! I disagree. EXO is DEF THAT GROUP! There just are a lot of good ones out too but EXO has made a tsunami of a wave.

I’d replace Again and Again with Heartbeat.

20141002_theoneshots_quintessential_2pm heartbeat


As much as it breaks my EXO-L heart, I agree with Widney on EXO not being worthy of being on the list at least at the moment. EXO still has a long way to go before defining quintessence.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HEARTBEAT!? There was no Jaebum!!!

I’m starting to be convinced by Wid and Alolika that maybe Exo doesn’t belong on this list? Maybe in a few years, we’ll look at Growl or Wolf and think “quintessential”


I’m starting to sway because I see no T-ara on the list.


Someone nominate “Bo Peep.” Just do it.


Wasn’t “Roly Poly” bigger? Or am I wrong?


But “Bo Peep” was covered by fellow artists the most. Also, all that aegyo.


I like every single T-ara song out there. And I upvote “Bo Beep.”


1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Wolf

6. Gee

7. Nobody

8. Gangnam Style

9. Ring Ding Dong

10. Replay

11. Lucifer

12. I Am the Best

13. Abracadabra

14. Mirotic

15. Bo Peep

You guys realize, we have to delete x amount of songs from this list ahahahaha


Delete Growl and Wolf lol


20141002_theoneshots_quintessential_fantastic babyOk, I’m going to say this but it’s just question. For Big Bang, isn’t their earlier stuff like Lies and Haru Haru more popular?


Yaaaaaas! I second that. Lies is THE song. Just saying. Buuut at the same time Fantastic Baby is kinda The song too. Arrrrg I can’t.


Ya’ll need to make up your mind.

Fantastic Baby IS K-pop. It’s THE song you think about. There is a reason the MAMA awards has been on Fantastic Baby since 4ever. It’s THE song ppl tell you to check out.

It’s the reason BB can’t have a comeback. The bar is high as fuck and they need to wait for ppl to get tired of that song.

Aren’t Haru Haru and Lies more of a VIP kind of thing?


@sharon lololol ok, ok Fantastic Baby it is LMAOOOOO


I nominate Sistar “Alone”


Alone, *snore*


As for EXO, I have to respectfully disagree with kicking them off. This list wasn’t limited to songs that are old. EXO as a whole, Growl, and Wolf are all major successes and fans will show up to shows, concerts, and other outlets where they have probably only heard those two songs, so that says something about the power of both tracks.

20141002_theoneshots_quintessential_growl dance


The problem with taking off EXO is other songs get on the list when they really shouldn’t be. EXO can be on a quintessential list. Why be stuck in the past?


1) EXO deserves to be on the list. This isn’t the song by the most seasoned K-pop group. This is what song is K-pop. I will fight for Wolf. Ahooooo!

2) Bo Peep yaaaaassss that IS K-pop


1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Wolf

6. Gee

7. Nobody

8. Gangnam Style

9. Ring Ding Dong

10. Replay

11. Lucifer

12. I Am the Best

13. Abracadabra

14. Mirotic

15. Bo Peep

16. Alone



Here’s my thing with Exo. Quick question for everybody. Between B.A.P, Block B, Infinite, EXO, Vixx, Teen Top – who is the best? And if you can’t answer that in a heartbeat then none of them deserve to be on the list yet.


Not even a good argument.


@Widney That’s incorrect. This is not who is the best. This is again – the quintessential K-pop songs. I’m sorry but EXO has put out some. That’s it, it doesn’t matter what group is the best.


It ain’t my fault BAP, VIXX or Block B don’t have a representative K-pop song. They have good songs, but not OH YEAH, THIS SONG.


If EXO is going to remain on the list, then I can safely nominate Orange Caramel’s “Lipstick.” Actually, any song after “Aing.”


What is the point though if we’re talking about “quintessential” we’re talking about groups that represent their generation of K-pop. If you put SNSD Kara, Davichi, Baby Vox Rev, and all the other groups of that generation in a batch, and you ask anyone pick a song that represents that generation of K-pop it’s obviously SNSD’s “Gee.” Because they ARE the quintessential group and song of their generation. But for this current K-pop generation the game is still playing out. We still don’t know. If we put EXO on, we have to put all the rest because I think B.A.P’s “Warrior” deserves the same honor as let’s say “Growl” or “Wolf”. However we’re talking about ‘THE’ song that represented that generation and is it either of them? Is it Block B’s “NalinA” or is it Infinite’s “Be Mine”? We don’t know that yet.

Had you asked me in 2008 which was the K-pop song I would have picked “Mister” over any SNSD song because they hadn’t dropped “Gee” yet. But then they did and then the game was over. So if now we pick EXO we basically saying that EXO won the newbie war and they come up on top, but they haven’t yet.

20141002_theoneshots_quintessential_snsd jerseys


I second the nominations to remove EXO’s Wolf and Growl, as well as replacing Big Bang’s Fantastic Baby with Lie or Haru Haru (because those are the song titles I keep seeing being mentioned in translated comments on netizenbuzz).


This is not about who was the most popular or what was the best song or what band is the godfather of K-pop. This is the quintessential K-pop songs! Aigoo


I’m sorry. I love me some BA.P but Warrior is not on the level of Growl. Are you kidding? So what if EXO is on the list. EXO represents current idols now. Warrior and Growl are not on the same IMPACT level. I’m sorry.


Ok you see how we don’t even have to fight about Gee or Fantastic Baby or Big Bang or Shinee and all the others to be on this list? I mean yes we fight about certain songs but not the group themselves. If we can’t do that about this generation it mean it’s not the “quintessential” song or group and they should not be on this. We’re talking about songs that are so good and so K-pop no one can deny it. And the only reason were fighting about the others like Big Bang and Shinee it’s because they have so many. I mean really is Growl that good that it trumps everything else? I beg to differ.


There is NO question for EXO.

The only reason we are even debating is because ya’ll think EXO doesn’t deserve to be on here because they’re too new.

But GROWL (or WOLF gdi) not being a quintessential song, is a lie. Why we worried about hurting another groups feelings?


1) I am not worried about hurting other groups feelings I just think it’s not fair because “Growl” is not that good and not THE quintessential song of this generation

2)They haven’t proven themselves yet. How dare they try to sneak on the K-pop list when they have shown consistent greatness yet?

3) And Neither Growl or Wolf is that good I’m sorry. They do nothing for me. They had not impact whatsoever on me or K-pop that wasn’t due to the fact that they are from SM and they are pretty. What impact did they have tell me? Besides the fact that people bought their shit. Gee was cultural phenomenon and so was Fantastic Baby and maybe Ring Ding Dong and Sorry.


I see your point. But GROWL/WOLF (I hate ya’ll for making me question wolf/growl) were last year. The fact that groups may kill it in the future doesn’t matter right now.

AS OF today, 2014, I still think EXO’s 2013 era sits up on a representative list. Name me one song from the same generational group that had songs of that level, and by level I don’t mean good song or group but OVERALL IMPACT.

None. I rest my case.

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_growl hat


I think if it is an amazing, recognizable, popular song it should definitely make the list regardless of the seniority of the group.


Sorry Widney, you’re outnumbered. Since we ARE putting EXO on the list, it’s between Wolf and Growl. Which one are we choosing?

I vote Wolf


Although I defended “Growl” quite a while back, now that I think of it, when “Growl” was released most people were busy celebrating on how it went for a minimalist approach instead of the usual, K-pop(y)/SM(y) flashy boxes. In fact, “Growl” worked because nothing about it quite screamed sugary sweet, over-the-top K-pop. It actually deviated from the norm.

If I look at “Growl” independently as a song and a video, then yes, all that polish and finesse deserves to be on the list but if I pit it against the general trend of K-pop aka the “quintessence” then its place on the list is questionable.

I vote for “Growl



I vote for Growl because it’s a kpop song that I liked all on its own. I didn’t know the group at all or even their name.

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_exo wolfDEANNA

Widney I can’t read your arguments because they are too long. I vote WOLF!!!!!!! It’s K-pop !

Also I agree with Sharon on mostly everything.


Ok final list before we have to start cutting!

1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Wolf

6. Gee

7. Nobody

8. Gangnam Style

9. Ring Ding Dong

10. Replay

11. Lucifer

12. I Am the Best

13. Abracadabra

14. Mirotic

15. Bo Peep

16. Lipstick

The six I would take of right now are:






I Am the Best

Also, can we please all decide on a SHINee song? I stick with RDD although it hurts to let go of Replay. HELLO “fantastic elastic”?? Do people not remember how huge that was. And the RDD DANCE? Please don’t tell me you forgot.


I vote Lucifer.


But Replay talks about noonas!

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_shinee world


Staunchly supporting “Lucifer.” That song formally initiated me into K-pop.


SHINee is HARD man. I love Replay but I think it has to go. (maybe)




Replay is a sweet song but I don’t know how is it typically K-pop. RDD though…Nah, still sticking with “Lucifer.” There is just something about long-haired, androgynous Taemin.


Deanna do you wanna make one last stand for RDD before we kick it off?


Even though I love Lucifer more, I’m def voting for RDD.

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_shinee lucifer


Thank you Nicole y’all need to take a minute, breath and think about what K-pop is! RDD RDD!! Lucifer is great but it’s no RDD!!!!! RDD IS K-POP -BAD ENGLISH CRAZY DANCE !!! You are all wrong.

Everyone revote! I will NOT lose RDD!


but but but loverholic lovertronic…


@valeria i FORGOT about loverholic lovertronic!

but but but fantastic elastic!


Wait you guys are dropping Replay? It’s talking NOONAS (which all of us are) and how pretty we are. It has Victoria in the video. Really?! Really?!


Just gotta get rid of 3

1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Gee

6. Nobody

7. Gangnam Style

8. Ring Ding Dong

9. Lucifer

10. I Am the Best

11. Abracadabra

12. Mirotic

13. Bo Peep

Tbh, I say we get rid of Gangnam Style. It’s not even quintessentially K-pop! No one but newbie Westerners even consider it that huge.

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_psy black


I think to us K-pop fans Gangnam Style is just meh. So I agree to take it off.


Duuuuuuude! SERIOUSLY? Ok I’m out good night lol

Take Lucifer out because RRD cemented Shinee’s awesomeness. Bo beep OUT and Abracadabra OUT (too old)


lmaooo @widney calling Abracadabra “too old” and then saying Exo is “too new” – can’t please her


Bo Peep stays. At.All.Cost

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_bo peep

The reason why I want “Abracadabra” to be on the list is because I don’t want to paint the girl groups in the same sugary colours.


Abracadabra is too old meaning it’s been sooo long. And I get what you mean Alolika but that’s why we have IATB


Ok, how do we all feel about nixing Gangnam Style


Ok if you guys get rid of Gangnam Style I am done. I. AM.DONE!!!!

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_psy bw


I don’t buy IATB. My style aniya.


Get rid if it.


I am okay with nixing Gangnam Style.


To save the faves, YES.

Otherwise, no. lol


Ok, so let’s do this: we are getting rid of IATB. Let’s hold off on Gangnam Style for now so Widney can convince us to keep it.

1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Gee

6. Nobody

7. Gangnam Style

8. Ring Ding Dong

9. Lucifer

10. Abracadabra

11. Mirotic

12. Bo Peep


Y’all telling me 2NE1 with all their woman empowering songs do not define K-pop? Wow Wow Wow *fanning myself* How are we keeping Bo Beep and removing IATB? O.o



I’m starting to question Again and Again, sorry Salima.

Agghh I go with RDD


I wouldve liked to keep I Am The Best. That song is catchy and badass and ‘2NE1′ is shaped like a pyramid at the end.


I am digging a grave for myself but 2NE1’s songs while great in themselves are pretty superficial when it comes to women empowerment. If that is your criterion, then Miss A makes for a better argument.


Widney, are you going to make your argument for Gangnam Style? And if you can make an argument for IATB over Bo Peep, I’m down to listen.


Honestly, I think IATB is really only big to international fans… and that’s only because international Blackjacks tout it as the best thing ever. any other 2ne1 song would be better, tbh. Something like I Don’t Care, or Can’t Nobody

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_2ne1 fire


Gangnam Style is not quintessential K-pop because of a LACK OF AN IDOL. Idol culture signifies K-pop for anyone who has just entered the fandom or is a casual viewer. Anything non-idol is for people who have stuck long enough to dig into the deeper layers of K-pop. The list in itself should be proof enough for that.


Can we please get rid of Lucifer? Also if you’re going with K-poppy music then I say …. Ugh I can’t pick one!!!! Get rid of Gangnam and make it top 11.

Are we positive WOLF is gone .. Can we have a revote?


Gangnam style is gone for the moment. Now it’s between RDD and Lucifer. And if we want to bring back IATB

1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Gee

6. Nobody

7. Ring Ding Dong

8. Lucifer

9. Abracadabra

10. Mirotic

11. Bo Peep

I’m not too crazy about Abracadabra on this list tbh. I’d take IATB over Bo Peep and Abracadabra


1) Although I love me some B.E.G they are not idols – they never marketed themselves as such and never will. Before 2NE1 debuted, all we had were a bunch of girls singing about how oppa is so great while dressing in miniskirts while doing high kick with pigtails in their hair and holding a lollipop.


2) 2NE1’s first song was about burning the house down. Meaning they are burning down all K-pop previous expectations and presenting a new female android.


I’d say take out BEG.


Do NOT take out “Abracadabra.” Women get a pass when fully clothed and talking about empowerment but try shedding your clothes off and still be taken seriously. “Abracadabra” needs to stay.


Hahaha, wow you guys are all crazy.


20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_ring ding dongRDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do I need to list the reasons AGAIN!




Rocka Rocka


Minho’s hair

That dance


Lol, I mean, RDD is only staying because of DeAnna’s passion at this point. I think Alolika and others are distracted by holding on to others so they’re willing to let Lucifer go ahahaha


Yeah I understand. Sorry ‘Lucifer’ I couldn’t win this time for you haha


Do not take out Gangnam Style.

We need to to learn to EMBRACE it. PSY is the MAN, man.


I brought IATB back, and got rid of Lucifer. Gangnam Style is gone still. At this point, I don’t give a damn about Bo Peep. Sorry

1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Gee

6. Nobody

7. Ring Ding Dong

8. Abracadabra

9. Mirotic

10. Bo Peep

11. IATB


I LOVE Abracadabra but for K-pop go with 2NE1 the end.


Since I am dead serious about not parting with “Abracadabra,” I wouldn’t mind if Bo Peep is off the list. “Gee” does fulfill the aegyo quota.

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_bo peep lick


F it all take out Bo peep and let’s all go home.



1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Gee

6. Nobody

7. Ring Ding Dong

8. Abracadabra

9. Mirotic

10. IATB

THIS IS OUR LIST. Are there any deep, burning changes that people feel the need to make?


Gangnam Style is not on the list? Like for real? Nope nope nope nope that’s not right.

No Gangnam style stays. I don’t care about this whole list I will fight nails and teeth for GS.


The burning inside me is to revisit Wolf vs Growl.. I’m sorry but if we are talking pure K-pop I need it to be Wolf.


Gangnam style put K-pop on the list. After GS all these artist started visiting Korea aka Will.I.Am, Pharell and them. One Direction even had picture of K-pop on their stuff. SNSD thought they were safe to come to America, So many things were possible after GS.


Gangnam Style put K-pop on the list FOR WHOM??? For Americans? SO WHAT?

20141005_theoneshots_quintessential_psy spongebobALOLIKA

What Salima said.


Not only for America for THE WORLD!!!


We are talking about K-pop songs that are inherently K-pop. Gee and GS are cut from separate cloths but Gee would NEVER do well in the States. So what? It’s a more quintessential K-pop song


GS was cultural phenomenon and was a conversation starter within the K-pop community. Subject such as “What kind of exposure do fans want?” “When is it ever OK for K-pop to debut in the U.S. OR INTERNATIONALLY?” And let’s not forget GS made it big IN KOREAN.

Are you telling me Psy’s last two weren’t hits? Gentleman and Hangover got more hits than Beyonce and a bunch of other international artists.


I’m sorry Wid, but too many people are willing to kick off Psy. It’s you and Sharon against the world.

FINAL LIST (for real):

1. Again and Again

2. Sorry Sorry

3. Fantastic Baby

4. Growl

5. Gee

6. Nobody

7. Ring Ding Dong

8. Abracadabra

9. Mirotic

10. IATB

DysFUNctional Family: K-pop’s Quintessential Songs from theoneshots on 8tracks Radio.



I’m ok with the list because I think it embodies those K-pop songs that when you hear them make you say, “Yup, K-pop.” Although, I’m still bitter about “Wolf.” Aaahhhoooo.


I was just kidding when I said Wolf but you and Salima did great in almost converting me. ALMOST.


I’m still sour about Gangnam Style.


The list looks perfect although, the absence of “Bo Peep” is dearly felt.


I’m just happy Again and Again made it through. There were a couple times Sharon mentioned taking it off and I tried to keep quiet. Thank God no one else said anything muhahaha.

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Smh. That was me when everyone was debating BEG and GS and 2 SHINee songs.


Haha I actually like Again and Again and I would have fought for it with you Lima.


Man, who doesn’t love it, but it wasn’t fitting in with the vibe that was going on. But no else thought so, so eh.


I’ve been gone for this whole convo but if I can put my two cents in for a moment. If we are talking about quintessential K-pop defining era’s song then something that is memorable, has those dance moves that define the song, the covers from other groups, and of course the memorable lyrics, I would have liked to see a throwback like Rain’s Love Song included. Not trying to get it on the list just wanted to share my thoughts.


Now that you mention it, we’re missing Rainism. But whatever, don’t wanna open up that can of worms


Shit Rain!!! Aigoo how could I have forgotten? Hip Song!

Also I want to just say that I am really happy that Mirotic is on this list


RAIN! I’m mad I didn’t think of him. “Dis is hip song right here!”


I’ve been MIA as well. Here are my thoughts:

1. I think it’s hilarious that Again and Again is always number one on this list. Salima you crack me up. No nomination, no warning, BAM it’s just there, number one, forever.

2. I saw you guys chose Ring Ding Dong over Lucifer. One thing to note about Lucifer and why it should go back on there: that song came out when my girlfriend was in Korea teaching English and all of a sudden a majority of her students started giving themselves the name Lucifer for their English name. She didn’t know about K-pop and was shocked all these Korean kids wanted to call themselves Lucifer. Lucifer, not Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer..haha.

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We chose wrong.



Listen to the playlist here!

What songs do you guys think should have made this list?

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