Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Highlights: “Modern Farmer,” Episode 11

Episode 11 of “Modern Farmer” gives us new insights into old traumas, revealing why some act the way they do. Though Kang Hyuk does his best to get closer to Kang Yoon Hee, it is clear she is still looking towards Lee Min Ki, whether she realizes it or not. And while things are looking up for Hwang Man Goo’s family, the same cannot be said for Yoo Mi Young.

1. Kang Hyuk explains why he is so set on making Kang Yoon Hee happy.


After convincing Kang Yoon Hee to let him tag along to get the tents for the market, Kang Hyuk manages to get her to let him drive on the way back. This was a terrible mistake, of course, because he manages to get them to the ocean rather than back to the village.

Deciding to make the most of being by the sea, Kang Hyuk and Kang Yoon Hee eat and drink together. However, after drinking a bit too much, the two get into a conversation about what his parents think of him doing as he pleases. It is here Kang Hyuk reveals that not only is it like his father is not around, but that his mother passed away eight years ago from overdosing on her antidepressants.

Kang Hyuk tells Kang Yoon Hee that his mother pretended to be strong just like her, and he never knew of the depression. Now when Kang Hyuk sees Kang Yoon Hee having a hard time, he finds that he needs to protect her like he could not for his mother.

2. Hwang Min Gook is no longer ashamed of his parents.


Since it is the day of the father participation class, Hwang Man Goo comes in to teach the class about growing strawberries. However, when he sees his wife secretly peeking in the door, he decides to change his subject to teaching the children Uzbek, his wife’s native language. In doing so, he pulls her into the classroom to show them more. Though Hwang Min Gook is angry at first, when he sees the excitement of the class toward his parents, you can see the little seed of pride grow within him!

3. Yoo Mi Young reveals more about her ex-husband.


After trying and failing to stand in for Choi Eun Woo’s father at school, Park Sang Deuk tries to calm the child’s disappointment in her father. Though it was supposed to be hidden from her mother, Yoo Mi Young steps in at the wrong time and becomes angry when she learns about what they tried to do.

Later, however, she returns to Park Sang Deuk and drinks with him. Drunk, she reveals that her ex-husband had many women, and the only reason she held onto the marriage was for the sake of her daughter. When she did ask for divorce, she said he was so eager for it that he threw money at her and signed it like he was waiting. She once again reiterates that everything she has gone through was punishment for what she did to Park Sang Deuk.

4. Han In Ki’s full past is finally revealed.


Turns out that Han In Ki was indeed part of a band, one possibly about to debut. However, he gets a call that his pregnant wife has collapsed, and though it means everything will fall through for his band if he leaves, he does so anyway to be with his wife.

Unfortunately, it was the last few moments he had with her. She had given birth to their daughter, but the stress of the birth was too much for her body and she passed away right in front of him.

As this story is revealed, Han Sang Eun overhears and is horrified to learn that not only is her mother dead, but she is the cause. Han In Ki runs after her when she flees, trying to explain that it’s not her fault. When she tries to run again, Han In Ki falls and is miraculously able to push out a few words, telling his daughter that it’s not her fault.

5. Lee Min Ki bring Yoo Na back to the village.


Earlier in the episode, Yoo Na tried rejecting her CEO’s party invitation, knowing that there would be drugs there. However, she is dragged along anyway. Unfortunately, the party is busted by the police, and though she had no drugs in her system, her image took a hit.

Seeing the story on TV, Lee Min Ki rushes back to Seoul. Clearly wanting to protect her from everything, Lee Min Ki sneaks her out and brings her back to the village.

How much more complicated can this duel love triangle get?

[tv]Catch “Modern Farmer” every Saturday and Sunday on SoompiTV


The post Highlights: “Modern Farmer,” Episode 11 appeared first on Soompi.

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